A minimally processed, balanced diet will help your body to function, both physically and mentally, at its optimum level. This means those who eat well will be more productive, creative, have better stamina and be happier at work and school.
Your food is your fuel and if you want to have the right amounts of energy to power you through a busy day at your clinic, you’ll need a balanced diet of slow energy release and nutritious food.
If you choose to fuel your body with high sugar or heavily processed foods you can expect to suffer from energy crashes and slumps in your productivity which will mean you reach for the next convenience/poor food choice. It’s a vicious cycle.
And if you’re a veterinarian, your diet is even more important. If you’re not eating well, critically you’re unlikely to have the consistent energy and focus throughout the day. An inadequate diet can lead to fatigue, impaired decision-making, delayed reaction time and mood swings. Conversely, a healthy well balanced diet can help us think clearly and feel more alert. It can also improve concentration and attention span.
So what should you eat to stay on top of your career game?
To boost energy and stamina, veterinarians will benefit from a really great breakfast. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and energy especially if accompanied with wholemeal toast. And a bowl of porridge with some nuts and berries is always a better option than sugary cereal. Add a scoop of protein powder to boost metabolism and help curb hunger.
Your diet can even help you manage stress and help you feel better about managing your workload. Fill up on spinach, oily fish, avocados, whole grains, citrus and a great daily probiotic.
Stick with the basics, choosing a source of lean protein, colorful veggies, smart carb and healthy fat at each meal. Work to routinize meal times and notice hunger signals.
But even with the best intentions, if you’re a time poor veterinarian it can be really hard to eat well...
And this is where meal planning can really come into its own.
Take some time one evening a week to get a meal plan ready. Compile a list as you decide what meals you want to eat each week. When you’re planning healthy evening meals, buy enough ingredients to make double or even four times the amount! You can use the leftovers as a healthy lunch option and put some portions in the freezer for days when you’re really behind and would usually reach for an easy fast food or takeaway option.
Look for seasonal ingredients and try and plan for at least one or two meat free meals. The more coloured ingredients you can use in meals you plan, the better. Aim for a rainbow of fresh, wholesome food. And don’t be afraid to use nuts and seeds in salads and soups to really bulk up the nutritional content and help the slow release of energy.
Given how much nutrition affects our mental and physical health, we’re certain that your diet and your success as a veterinarian will certainly be linked.
So if you’re ready to propel your career to the next level, make sure you’re giving your nutritional health the attention it deserves.
At VetVive we help veterinarians integrate nutrition, movement and wellbeing into their hectic schedules so they can manage stress and feel better in and out of work. We’d love to discuss how our programs can help your team. Schedule a consultation here.